9 Ideas To Improve Your Fuel Mileage By Winter's Auto Service

Fuel price is increasing day by day, and we can’t do anything about the price of the fuel. But we can offer you a some ways to improve your fuel mileage. We have 9 ideas for you to improve efficiency of your vehicle and to get the best mpg from your vehicle. 1. Change up early: Change your vehicle's gear gently. And change to a higher gear as soon as possible to get the good fuel mileage from your vehicle. 2. Remove weight: Unnecessary weight in your car could be the reason of less mileage. Take unnecessary bulky items out from the car. Weight always matters when it comes to fuel economy. 3. Plan journeys: Always plan your journey to avoid traffic. Get the map on before starting your journey. 4. Basic maintenance: Always Keep your car well maintained and serviced regularly. Pump up your vehicle tyres to reduce resistance and get the car serviced regularly. If you are in Winnipeg then you can also take ...